Welcome to Raw pet food ontario

We are committed to supporting your pets’ health and happiness through all-natural, all-Canadian raw food products. We are passionate in helping your pets return to the food they were design to eat!

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We offer a variety of different raw pet food and treats.

Original price was: $126.00.Current price is: $105.00.

Raw Pet Food Ontario

Achilles Tendon Chew Treats


Raw Performance


Original price was: $15.99.Current price is: $14.39.

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Why Choose Us?

Our treats are all natural, real food so they are digestible and edible but dogs can and do choke.
Always supervise your dog when they are eating chews and treats and remove small pieces.

Pig Ears

Recommended for Chewing

• Pig Ears
• Beef Pizzle Sticks Regular 6 or 12 inch
• Beef Ears and Beef Snouts
• Beef Trachea 5″ and Sweet Potato Chews

High Reward Treat Great For Puppy and Adult Training

• Beef Lung
• Beef Jerky
• Beef Liver Drops
*These break up well into small training size treats.
*They are a light weight so you get a large amount in the 1 kilo bags
Duck Feet

Crunchy Treats

• Duck Feet
• Oxtail
• Beef Tripe